Mihun Goreng

June 20, 2012

1 pack of mihun
5 bawang merah
5 ulas bawang putih
1 genggam udang kering
1 senduk besar lada blend
1/4 cup oyster sauce
3-4 tbsp tomato sauce
3-4 tbsp kicap manis
1 cup water
2 biji telur
Sawi, kobis, or any vege you like
Salt and sugar to taste

Before adding mihun 
1) Rendam mihun in hot water for 15-20 minutes. Its okay if they're not soft all the way through, it'll continue cooking in the wok
2) Panaskan about 1/4 cup of minyak, and tumis bawang merah and putih yang ditumbuk halus sampai naik bau
3) Masukkan lada and goreng sampai garing
4) Masukkan oyster sauce, tomato sauce, kicap manis, air, salt and sugar. Mix well and bring to a boil. Keep adding the condiments until it suits your taste. Pecahkan telur and add to the mix, leave a while before stirring until they cook through
5) Add in the mihun and veges. Mix until well incorporated. Kalau still mcm berair sgt, just leave on the heat for a while but keep stirring so that the bottom doesn't get burned
6) Garnish with daun sup or daun bawang or bawang goreng 

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