
Sardine Puffs

November 17, 2012

2 packs of ready made puff pastries (about 10 sheets each, thawed to room temp)
1 tin sardin (400g)
1 medium red onion, chopped
2 bawang putih, chopped
2 tbsp lada blend
5-6 cili hijau sliced
1/4 cup air asam jawa
2 tbsp kicap manis
1 egg yolk, beaten

1) Mash the sardin with the sliced chillies

2) Panaskan 3 tbsp of oil, tumis bawang putih and bawang merah sampai naik bau. Then masukkan lada blend and tumis sampai garing
3) Add in the mashed sardines and chillies, air asam jawa and kicap manis
4) Goreng for about 10 minutes or until they look cooked through. Rasa so that tak hanyir, if hanyir, add in more air asam jawa or kicap

5) Preheat the oven to 180'c. Fill up the puff pastry sheets, about 1 tbsp in the middle. Fold and crimp the edges with a fork. Brush the top with the egg yolk

6) Bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes, until the puffs turn brown-ish

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