
Ayam BBQ

November 25, 2012

4kg ayam. Preferably drumsticks and wings
10 bwang merah kecil
1 bawang besar
5 ulas bawang putih
1 inci halia
4 batang serai
500ml barbeque sauce
1/2 cup kicap manis pekat
3 tbsp honey
1 tbsp serbuk cili
1 tbsp kunyit
1 tsp garam
1 tsp white pepper
3 tbsp butter

1) Blend bawang merah, putih, besar, halia and serai
2) Mix the rest of the ingredients with the blended mix in a big bowl
3) Marinade the chickens in the marinade sauce for at 6-9 hours. BBQ according to your liking

ps. Can also be used to marinade hotdogs

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