
Nasi Goreng Sardin

September 08, 2018

2 pots of cooked rice
3 red shallots
2 garlic cloves
1 tbsp chilli paste
1 small can of Sardines
1 tsp asam jawa paste
2 eggs
Sweet soy sauce
Green beans (cut small)
4 small green chillies

1) Separate the sardines and the tomato sauce into two bowls. Lightly mash the sardines and set aside.
2) Heat up some vegetable oil and saute the sliced shallots and garlic until fragrant.
3) Add in the chilli paste and stir until pecah minyak.
3) Add in the mashed sardines. Cook for a few minutes until they're a bit garing. Be careful not to burn them.
4) Stir in the tomato sauce and asam Jawa paste and leave to simmer. Add in the eggs and scramble lightly when half cooked.
5) Add in the rice and incorporate well with the sardine mixture. Add in soy sauce, salt and sugar to taste.
6) Stir in the green beans and chillies before turning off the heat.

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