Ayam Kurma

December 29, 2018

2 garlic cloves
3 red shallots
2 cinnamon sticks
2 bunga cengkih
2 biji buah pelaga
4 - 6 chicken pieces
2 tbsp kurma powder or 1 small 24g packet (made into paste by adding some water)
2 potatoes
1 carrot
Air asam jawa (1/2 tsp mixed with water)
4 small chillies
Salt and sugar to taste

1) Heat up oil and sauté the garlic, shallots, ginger, cinnamon sticks, bunga cengkih and buah pelaga.
2) Add in the Kurma paste and mix well. Add in the chicken and mix for about 3 minutes so the paste covers all the chicken. Then add in 1/4 cup of water, put a lid on the periuk and leave for 5 minutes.
3) Add in water, carrot, air asam jawa, 1/4 cup of santan and mix well. The water level should cover the chicken and veggies. 
4) Gradually add in more santan and water until you get the consistency you prefer. Continue stirring until veggies and chicken are cooked through.
5) Salt and sugar to taste. Add the chillies before turning off the heat.

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