
Nasi Butter and Ayam Masak Merah

January 06, 2018

3 pots of rice
3 tbsp butter
2 garlic cloves
1 cinnamon stick
3 buah pelaga
3 bunga cengkih
3 pots of water
1 chicken stock cube

Ayam Masak Merah
1/2 chicken (cut to 8 pieces)
3 red shallots
3 garlic cloves
1 tbsp ginger
1 cinnamon stick
3 buah pelaga
3 bunga cengkih
1 serai (dititik)
2 tbsp chilli paste
1 cup tomato sauce
2 tbsp honey
Salt and sugar to taste

1) Sauté the sliced garlic, cinnamon stick, buah pelaga and cengkih with the butter until fragrant.
2) Saute the rice for a while. Add in the water and chicken stock and cook under normal setting.

Ayam Masak Merah
1) Marinade the chicken with 2 tsp of turmeric powder and 1/2 tsp of salt. Deep fry and set aside.
2) Saute the sliced shallots, garlic, ginger, serai, cinnamon stick, buah pelaga and bunga cengkih until fragrant. 
3) Then add in the chilli paste, cook for about 10 minutes until 'pecah minyak'. Add in tomato sauce, honey and 1 cup of water. Leave to simmer.
4) Add in the fried chicken. Salt and sugar to taste.

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