Daging Goreng Kunyit

July 24, 2018

200g thinly sliced beef
1 tbsp ginger (sliced)
2 cloves of garlic (sliced)
1.5 tbsp kunyit hidup (crushed)
1 tsp turmeric powder
Carrots and long beans
3 red shallots (sliced round)
1 big red/green chilli
Salt and sugar to taste

1) Coat the sliced beef, turmeric powder and a pinch of salt. Add the beef, ginger, garlic and kunyit hidup in a heated wok. Add in water to the same level of the beef
2) Leave the beef to boil until the beef is cooked and the water dries up
3) After the beef is cooked through, add in some oil and fry the beef for a while
4) Add in the veggies and shallots. Stir until they are cooked and lastly add in the sliced chilli
5) Mix well. Salt and sugar to taste

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