Ayam Beriyani

July 19, 2017

4-6 ketul ayam
1 brown onion (potong bulat)
2 cinnamon sticks
4 bunga lawang
4 cengkih
4 buah pelaga
4 red shallots, 4 garlic cloves, 1 tbsp ginger (blend)
3-4 tbsp rempah beriyani
3 cawan air
1/2 cup bawang goreng
2 tbsp honey
1 tbsp sweet soy sauce
Spring onion (sliced)
Salt and sugar

1) Deep fry the chicken until half-cooked and set aside.
2) Use 2 senduk of the oil from the chicken to sauté the brown onion, cinnamon sticks, bunga lawang, cengkih and buah pelaga in a different wok.
3) When the onion slices have wilted, add in the blended ingredients and sauté until fragrant.
4) Add in rempah beriyani, 2 cups of water and chicken. Let it simmer.
5) Add in bawang goreng, honey and soy sauce. Gradually add in water until the consistency is to your liking. 
6) Let it cook for another 15-20 minutes. Salt and sugar to taste. 
7) Garnish with spring onion.

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