Mee Rebus

August 16, 2012


1 kg mee kuning

Bahan perencah - cengkih, lawang
4 bawang merah medium size blend
4 ulas bawang putih blend
2 tbsp lada blend
5 tbsp curry powder, heaped
1 cup udang kering, rendam and then tumbuk
5 cups or about 125 ml santan
1/2 cup air asam jawa
100g crushed roasted peanuts
Salt and sugar to taste

Shredded chicken
Red/green chillies
Hard-boiled eggs
Daun bawang
Bawang goreng
Tauhu goreng

1) Panaskan minyak in a big pot and masukkan bahan perencah followed by bawang merah and putih yang dah blend. Tumis sampai naik bau
2) Add in lada blend, goreng sampai garing. Masukkan curry powder, mix well, then add in the udang kering yang dah tumbuk, continue stirring. Kalau kering sgt add in some water
3) After a while, masukkan santan and air asam jawa. Stir well, cook on slow fire and biar mendidih
4) If your kuah isn't yellow enough, just gradually add in more chilli paste of curry powder
5) Bila dah nak tutup api stir in the crushed peanuts. Salt and sugar to taste

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